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You're In: 'Righteous Ignorance' Category
Again, this selection is not meant to offend, but easily might.  I debated whether or not to include these, but know that there are many who will experience a similar outrage and disbelief when the truth emerges. These poems are for you.

Know that as you begin to change, you will feel the righteous ignorance surrounding you becoming both crisply clear and annoyingly sticky as you begin to shrug off your cocoon of illusions.

'Righteous Ignorance' poems may not only lack reverence for ritual and dogma, but may be openly admonishing of such. This is not unusual, when you think of it: Does not an animal, when caught in the biting jaws of trap, snarl and struggle against the thing that painfully grips it?   So it was with me, and may be for you as well, as you journey towards enlightenment.  Try not to be offended, but look for the Truth beneath the words. 

And just like the morning sun dissipates the fog, so will the Truth eventually dissolve what obscures your vision, moving you well beyond the grip of any ritual or dogma. This may be hard for you to believe or grasp at your present level of unfolding, but it is inevitable, if awakening or enlightenment is your goal.

Try to remember that if religion has become embedded in you - either by your own exploration or by the well-meaning direction of family and friends, moving beyond will be quite disturbing and dislocating initially. But why shouldn't it be? After all, if you've lived within the confines of a particular cave all your life, walking out into the light and wide open spaces will feel unnatural.  But it is a natural and correct step on your path towards Truth.  Try not fear condemnation or retribution from 'God' for exploring any ideas represented here.  Try not fear anything at all and
remember that it is only man, not God, who is religious.

Regardless, I would highly recommend you at least view 'Dorothy and the Deserted Island', which I don't believe most would find offensive at all.  I consider it my "spokespoem", and if you view no others in this section, definitely view that video before you go.
To View:  Scroll down and choose whether to view to poem in video form or by text form by clicking on the appropriate icon beside the title below.  Depending on which you click on, a new window will launch with either a player (courtesy of, or open a new page with the written poem.  Note: You probably won't want to click on any of the ads surrounding the player, they're by youtube  - just ignore them and close the window or click back on your browser (if a new window didn't open) when you're finished watching.



Barking Dogs


Bedtime Stories


Bricks of Religion


The Campfire

Dorothy and the Deserted Island


Good Luck With That


Graduation Day


Informed Decision


The Initiate


 Just As




Lunar Madness




Name Your Game


No Doubt


No Parroting


Religious Anarchy






Survey SAYS!


The Table


Vine Ripened Tomatoes